Elevate to Lead Conference

The Akron Urban League Young Professionals (AULYP) is pleased to invite you to its inaugural Young Professionals Conference: Elevate to Lead. This conference is scheduled to attract up to 150 talented individuals in the surrounding area to learn, elevate, and lead in the following areas:
• Professional Development: Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Development
• Financial Empowerment: Career Growth & Salary Negotiations, Wealth Building, and Entrepreneurship
• Community Engagement: Social Impact – Building a Community, Politics & Government Structures and Board Development

Emerging and established community change agents have been invited to share their time, talent, and treasure to aid in personal and professional advancement for those in attendance. All proceeds from the conference benefit the mission, programs, and services of AULYP. We’d like to kindly request that you support the Akron Urban League Young Professionals regional young professional conference as a sponsor.


If you would like to attend or support the inaugural Young Professionals Conference: Elevate to Lead, click here.


Conference is May 26-27.

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